TAKE ACTION! Please demand that President Trump veto a bill allowing unethical killing of wildlife in our National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska!
We need your urgent action to help flood the White House with requests that President Trump veto H.J. Res. 69 – a bill stripping important protections for bears, wolves, wolverines and coyotes living within our National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska.
The U.S. House and Senate have already passed H.J. Res. 69, which is nothing more than a blatant attempt to cede control of America’s wildlife on over 76 million acres of National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska.
Incredibly, this bill would mean a return to grossly unethical practices within America's National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska, including practices like shooting denning wolves, killing hibernating bears and cubs, catching and killing bears with traps and even using airplanes to chase down and kill grizzly bears.
This bill has nothing to do with science-based wildlife management. Rather, H.J. Res. 69 is meant to appease extremely unethical hunters and narrow state interests, and could have drastic implications for federal management of public trust resources across the country.
Please take action immediately to help prevent a return of completely unethical and barbaric hunting practices in our National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska, including 20 million acres of designated Wilderness!
STAND UP FOR WILDLIFE! Demand that President Trump veto H.J. Res. 69!
Thank you for taking action to protect wolves, bears, coyotes and wolverines living in National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska!
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