Rep. Ed Case (D-HI) has introduced the Safe and Quiet Skies Act, HR 4547, a very good bill that holds out the promise of protecting natural sounds and quieter airspaces above designated Wildernesses and other natural areas. Please urge your representative to co-sponsor this good legislation!
Natural sounds are being increasingly drowned out by our machines, making it difficult for humans and wildlife to find quiet, even in some of the most remote places. Many National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and even Wildernesses are plagued by the intrusion of low-flying commercial air tours. These flights can be incredibly noisy, and shatter the quiet and solitude that many visitors on the ground seek and that wildlife needs to survive and thrive. Not only do such low-level flights ruin the wilderness experience, but they also stress wildlife.
HR 4547 will prohibit air tours above National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and Wildernesses. The ban would extend to lands within a half-mile from the edges of these natural areas. Furthermore, HR 4547 would help protect natural sounds everywhere by imposing a minimum flight altitude—of 1,500 feet above ground—for commercial air tours wherever they are allowed.
Low-flying and other commercial air tours are always at odds with experiencing the quiet and solitude of wild places, and should be prohibited over Wilderness and other wild public lands. HR 4547 will protect Wildernesses, National Parks, and National Wildlife Refuges from the noisy, ear-splitting din of low-flying helicopters and other aircraft operating commercial air tours.
Please urge your House member to co-sponsor HR 4547 and protect natural sounds and quieter airspace above Wilderness, National Parks, and National Wildlife Refuges!
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