URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Congress trying to kill protection for endangered gray wolves!
Tomorrow, November 16, the U.S. House will vote on the so-called “Manage Our Wolves Act” (H.R 6784), which would end protection for gray wolves in the lower 48 states by removing their Endangered Species Act (ESA) status.
Remember, wildlife knows no boundaries and wolves that use designated Wilderness for part–or all–of their range could be affected!
H.R. 6784 would grant the states full management control of gray wolves, despite their federal endangered species status in most of the lower 48 where they still only occupy a small portion of their original range. In states where gray wolves have already lost ESA protection, trophy hunters and trappers have already killed thousands – including deep within designated Wilderness areas.
H.R. 6784 undermines science by removing scientists from the ESA decision-making process and will jeopardize the continued recovery of gray wolves and the ecosystems that benefit from them.
As part of an alarming growing trend, H.R. 6784 also seeks to preclude judicial review and exclude the public from the process. It is undemocratic to block American citizens from holding their government accountable.
H.R. 6784 is a direct threat to the recovery of gray wolves, the integrity of the Endangered Species Act, the wildness of our Wilderness areas, and to our democracy.
Please ACT NOW to stop extinction and help keep our Wilderness wild!
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