Wilderness supporters Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) have introduced legislation (H.R. 2250 and S. 1110) that would designate 17 new Wildernesses or Wilderness additions – totaling 251,023 acres – on lands administered by both the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in northwest California.
Unfortunately, however, the bills are full of bad special provisions that would weaken protections for the areas that this bill would designate as Wilderness, and further set bad national precedents for later wilderness bills. The bad Wilderness provisions include allowing bulldozers to build roads, motorized access, and the installation and maintenance of structures, and more. Rep. Huffman and Sen. Harris need to hear from their colleagues in Congress that there is support for removing these special provisions and for improving their bills.
Please write to your Representative and Senators and ask them to encourage Rep. Huffman and Sen. Harris to improve their Wilderness bill by removing these harmful special provisions.
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