Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Threatened by Massive Seismic Exploration for Oil and Gas
Comments due November 6
On October 23, the Trump Administration’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) presented a permit application to do seismic testing across 450,000 acres of federal public land on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, as well as 92,000 additional acres inside the Refuge that are owned by Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation. This latest bid to destroy part of the irreplaceable Arctic Refuge must be stopped. Comments are due November 6, so please take action today!
What does this mean?
What’s at stake?
The idea of a project of this scale in one of the last intact undeveloped ecosystems in North America is outrageous enough, but it gets worse. Under the Trump administration's new rules, BLM plans to fast track this permit application, allowing only 14 days for the public and experts to review the plan in detail and provide comments.
This isn't just an attack on the last wild places, it's an attack on our ability to be part of our government's decisions. We’re demanding that the BLM provide more time for detailed analysis and public comment. Will you join us?
We need you to tell the BLM 14 days is not enough time and just a demonstration that this plan could not hold up to scrutiny. If we are able to get an extension, we will be able to build a meaningful record and provide feedback to the agency.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge can remain a Refuge, but only if we work together to stop these destructive plans. Please take action today!
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Please visit our website at www.wildernesswatch.org to see what other actions you can take! Thank you.