On January 23, the falsely-named “Fix Our Forests Act” (H.R. 471) passed the U.S. House on a vote of 279-141.
The "Fix Our Forests Act" will dramatically change how America’s national forests will be managed, and Wilderness won't be spared. The bill would override bedrock environmental laws and curtail public participation to mandate landscape-scale logging on federal lands, including industrial logging on up to 10,000 acres—or 15 square miles—of federal public lands categorical excluded from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act under the rationale that cutting down trees across 15 square miles of forests has no significant impacts on the environment or wildlife.
For Wilderness, the bill would promote increased cattle and sheep grazing and widespread use of manager-ignited fire that will transform these places from wild landscapes “untrammeled by man” to human-dominated ones.
The fight to stop this bill now moves to the U.S. Senate.
Urge your senators to vote NO on the falsely-named “Fix Our Forests Act.”
Tell your senators to vote NO on the "Fix Our Forests Act"
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Thank you for urging your senators to oppose the falsely-named “Fix Our Forests Act”
Please also call your senators at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to vote NO on the "Fix Our Forests Act."
Tell your senators that the bill threatens Wilderness with more livestock grazing and manager-ignited fires, and the "Fix Our Forests Act" is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt dramatically increase logging, roadbuilding, and livestock grazing on federal public lands by undermining our nation’s bedrock environmental laws.
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