Your donation will protect Wilderness!
Please make a special year-end donation to help Wilderness Watch defend America's National Wilderness Preservation System in 2025, and beyond.
Wilderness Watch | P.O. Box 9175 | Missoula, MT 59807 | wild@wildernesswatch.org | 406.542.2048
Your contribution is tax-deductible (EIN# 81-0457646).
Photo: Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon by Leon Werdinger.
Thank you for your generous donation to Wilderness Watch!
More than 90 percent of our funding comes from individuals like you, and Wilderness and its wildlife have never needed you more than right now.
Please visit wildernesswatch.org for more information about the challenges facing Wilderness, and what actions you can take to Keep Wilderness Wild!
Brett Haverstick
Membership and Development Director
406-542-2048 ext 1
Your contribution to Wilderness Watch (EIN# 81-0457646) is tax-deductible.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, we provided no goods or services in exchange for your gift.