Wilderness Watch generally doesn’t ask our members and supporters to comment on issues not directly affecting designated Wilderness, but right now Congress is debating whether to turn over nearly 1 million acres, including potential Wilderness, of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) to the military for training.
On July 1, the House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act by notoriously anti-public lands Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) that would give the U.S. Air Force control over 850,000 acres of the Desert NWR in southern Nevada. The Air Force has had its sights on the Desert NWR as a potential expansion of its Nevada Test and Training Range.
The 1.6 million-acre Desert NWR is our nation’s largest refuge in the lower 48 and is home to native wildlife such as desert bighorn and desert tortoise. The amendment would remove five percent of all refuge lands in the lower 48 states from our National Wildlife Refuge System.
The Nevada state legislature, Governor, and congressional delegation have all spoken loudly against the amendment, but the military and its allies in Congress are pressing on.
Please urge your Representative to oppose this giant land grab and to protect the Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada. A vote by the full House could come early next week, so please take action today.
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