Calling ALL Wilderness supporters! Please act now to let your members of Congress know you oppose these anti-Wilderness bills!
You don't need us to remind you that there are currently a number of bills introduced in the U.S. Congress that threaten to undermine America’s Wilderness and public lands legacy.
In order to assist with our efforts with Congress, we are calling on Wilderness supporters to urge their senators and representative to oppose the most egregious, anti-Wilderness bills!
Like we mentioned, the list of anti-Wilderness bills in Congress is long, so we’re focusing on the following bills:
• The "Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act,” an NRA/Safari Club International-backed bill that is nothing more than a thinly disguised measure to gut the 1964 Wilderness Act and the protections afforded to every unit of America’s 110 million-acre National Wilderness Preservation System.
• The “Wheels in Wilderness Bill” (H.R. 1349 and S. 2877), which would amend and weaken the Wilderness Act to allow mountain bikes, strollers, wheelbarrows, game carts, survey wheels and measuring wheels in Wilderness.
• A couple of terrible “Border Bills” that purportedly deal with border security, but would actually threaten all of America's Wilderness areas within 100 miles of the southern border with Mexico and within 100 miles of the northern border with Canada, including the border between Alaska and Canada.
• The so-called “Protect Public use of Public Lands Act (S. 2206),” which would release 450,000 acres of America’s Wilderness Study Areas in Montana and potentially open up these wildlands to logging, mining, motorized recreation and road building.
• Any Senate companion bills to H.R. 3905 and H.R. 3115, two bills that promote new mining near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota.
• The "Emery County Public Land Management Act of 2018" (S. 2809 and H.R. 5727), which would significantly compromise America's public lands and Wilderness legacy in southeastern Utah.
• H.R. 6784, which would remove federal Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in Wyoming and the Western Great Lakes, which would be a crippling blow against the continued recovery of gray wolves.
Thank you for taking action by contacting your members of Congress and providing important back-up to Wilderness Watch's on-going efforts to keep America’s National Wilderness Preservation System wild!
Please urge members of Congress to oppose a host of bills that threaten to undermine America’s Wilderness and public lands legacy.
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Please visit our website at www.WildernessWatch.org to see what other actions you can take to help us keep Wilderness wild!
Thank you for taking action to protect and defend America's Wilderness heritage!
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